segunda-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2008

How does it feel?

I'm not afraid of anything.
I just need to know that I can breathe.
I don't need much of anything, but suddenly...
I am small and the world is big
All around me is fast moving...
Surrounded by so many things... but suddenly (suddenly)

How does it feel to be different from me?
Are we the same?

I am young and I am free
But I get tired and I get weak.
I get lost and I can't sleep... but suddenly (suddenly)

How does it feel... to be different from me?
Are we the same?
How does it feel?

Would you comfort me?
Would you cry with me?

I am small and the world is big
But I'm not afraid of anything

Um comentário:

Clah disse...

Eu amo esssa músicaaaaaaaa!! E por mais incrivel q isso possa parecer, eu tava escutando ontem o cd q tem essa musica... "Im small and the world is big, But Im not afraid of anything"... Adoro! Tenho um monte de coisas pra te falar... Vou evr se posto uma parada q escrevi hj mais cedo... Te amo demaissssss!!! Miss uuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!